Diesel fuel

Diesel fuel is used as fuel for vehicles and equipment. Every year its quality and environmental friendliness increase, while the price remains low. If a few years ago only tractors and other agricultural machinery were filled with diesel fuel, today it is also used in passenger cars. Therefore, the fuel is bought in bulk by motor transport, construction and industrial companies.

Modern diesel has a higher efficiency than gasoline units, provides more power and emits less carbon monoxide. Engines on it work longer and more reliably. And the low price per ton makes the purchase even more affordable. DT can be summer, winter and arctic. Their main difference is the operating temperature range. If summer diesel fuel is used only at freezing temperatures and is popular in the southern regions, then the arctic is suitable for the most severe climatic conditions, up to minus 50 degrees.

In order for the purchase of diesel fuel to become for you one of the factors of successful business and economy, we are always ready to provide technological and legal support at all stages of cooperation.

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